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Serge P. Bottari

Serge P. Bottari

University Grenoble Alpes France


Serge P. Bottari obtained his MD and his PhD degrees at the Free University Brussels, Belgium. He is specialized in OB/GYN and also obtained a PhD in Biochemistry. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow and Research Associate at UC San Francisco. After having been a Project Leader at Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy in Basel, Switzerland, he became Professor of Cell Biology at the Medical School and Head of Endocrine Biology at the University Hospital in Grenoble, France, in 1993. He published over 65 articles in premium journals and is a member of several editorial boards. His current work focuses among others on the molecular mechanisms involved in insulin resistance and on the development of novel diagnostic tools.

Research Interest

His current work focuses among others on the molecular mechanisms involved in insulin resistance and on the development of novel diagnostic tools.