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Mikhail Kolonin

Mikhail Kolonin

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston


The Kolonin Laboratory is investigating the mechanisms linking aging, metabolic diseases such as type-2 diabetes, and cancer. Specifically, we have focused on the role of white and brown fat tissue dysfunction in obesity. In clinical studies and in animal models, we have shown that mesenchymal stromal cells from adipose tissue are mobilized to promote fibrosis and cancer progression. Studies elucidating the molecular mechanisms of intercellular interactions between adipose and other tissues are underway. Our group has also taken the lead in developing approaches to intervene the pathogenic functions of adipose cells. Based on the expertise in cell population separation and high throughput combinatorial peptide library screening methods, we have identified tissue-specific cell surface receptors and peptide probes. Using peptide-derived experimental drugs, we have developing a strategy to target specific cell populations in order to suppress the progression various diseases.


Research Interest

Cell metabolism in obesity and cancer